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Over polenta chips and tepid threats of robotic erasure, a podcast welcomes its first guest – the eloquent, charming Daniel O’Malley. We learn about Aaron’s lovely handwriting and Kaaron’s teenage exploits in Delhi. Battle lines are drawn and fisticuffs waggled over which Avengers did it better (I think we all know the winner of that particular contest – hem hem, Diana Rigg). The lost art of letter writing is bemoaned, while the genius of writing oneself into a corner is extolled. Dan convinces one and all of the (obvious? tenuous?) link between flesh-manipulating alchemists and an adorable stuffed crocheted hippopotamus. Everyone has a cuddle and Joseph has a moment.
The acid-loving psychedelic wunderkind Joseph was struggling to remember was in fact Timothy Leary. Though the quote was quite wrong and never made by Leary in the first place. The correct quote is in fact “A strong smell of turpentine prevails throughout,” and it was made by Oliver Wendell Holmes after taking ether.
Some other bits and pieces referenced in this week’s show include:
- Joe Lansdale’s The Drive In series
- Adrian Tchaikovsky’s Tales of the Apt series
- Plain Tales from the British Empire
- Michael Crichton’s Congo