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The Cat makes like Funes and gets memorious with special guest T. R. Napper, author of modern cyber-punk classics 36 Streets and Neon Leviathan. Joseph remembers a childhood event in third person, Kaaron steals her classmate’s stranger-danger story, and Aaron steals somebody’s homework. Intersubjective memory is discussed, alongside evolutionary theories of pain avoidance and what it means to be human. Also the Masters of the Universe. Smell and memory. Repressed memory syndrome. The memories stuck in places and objects, and the value of things in boxes. Joseph misremembers a quote about telepathy. Aaron comes down with the metaphor pox. Everyone doubts Kaaron’s memories of scrambled eggs.
Some bitsies recalled in this episode include:
- Stephen King’s On Writing (p97ish for that telepathy quote)
- Marcel Proust’s Remembrance of Things Past/In Search of Lost Time (À la recherche du temps perdu)
- David Mitchell’s Black Swan Green