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In which our hosts commit to a name for their podcast after debating the complicated genders of cats. We learn of Kaaron’s passion for minor characters, and Aaron’s bleak and bloody ‘comfort’ reads. While Joseph struggles to remember the word ‘raconteur,’ everyone agrees on the dark cosiness of Daphne DuMaurier. Kaaron shares the story of a mirror, with a personal history that spans generations, leading to a discussion of ancestral ghosts, the burden of history, and walking on the ceiling. Aaron reveals his mirror pep-talk routine.
Some of the books, songs and TV shows discussed in this episode:
- Dear Me, Peter Ustinov
- Midnight Cowboy, James Leo Herlihy
- The Ruined City, Nevil Shute
- Survivor Song, Paul Tremblay
- Red Dragon, Thomas Harris
- American Tabloid, The Cold Six Thousand, Bloods A Rover (The Underworld Trilogy), James Ellroy
- Greatest Events of WWI In Colour
- “Gotta start somewhere,” Jon Brion
- “Meaningless,” Jon Brion